78 Images is now Live!

78 Images…yes so head over to my tarot home.  I’ll be moving/copying all tarot information from this site to that.  Readings will still be available form this site, and reviews will be duplicated on both sites.

While that site is working HoD is giving me issues.  Something’s wrong wtih the link script.  Dammit.  I’ll have to mess with that now.

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52 Stories
Outline: Dreamfire
So I took them home, cursed and snarled until the perforations-that-weren’t forced me to gut the package like a deer carcass, and I tried out the “quietest pouch” which was indeed so whisper-silent that if I were a ninja, and I was bleeding vaginally, I would accept no other brand. Of course, were I a vaginally-bleeding ninja, I would have bigger problems to worry about. Like the fact that I would likely have forebrain-searing turquoise hair and horrifically inflated breasts.Naamah99
From her Live Journal







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