And before you ask.

Yes, because of surgery I missed Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog.

So yes, I’m buying it through itunes.

Joss Whedon can have my money any day…until he get’s George Lucas syndrome.

Then we’ll hang him.

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52 Stories
Outline: Dreamfire
Ron Moore wrote some wonderful comments about the demise of Enterprise on his Battlestar Galactica Blog (which I wish was called “Galactiblog,”) where he basically said that Star Trek was being returned to the care of the fans now, and it’s up to the fans to see where it goes next. I agree with that, and I think that a break from being in production will give the next generation (har. har. har.) of Star Trek creators an opportunity to get some perspective on Star Trek, and let whatever the next thing is return to what made Star Trek so great: Captains who bang green chicks in mini-skirts.Wil Wheaton







2 responses to “And before you ask.”

  1. Kathy Avatar

    I followed the link and found it! Very nicely done! Still free as of Sunday, July 20

  2. Michelle Avatar

    I tried all weekend and couldn’t get it. Finally I just spent the 3.99 at Itunes. And yes, it’s totally awesome.

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