
  • Goals in 2022

    Goals in 2022

    I know, resolutions were due nearly 3 months ago. If you’re like me with an ever revolving list of things to do with items that I just want to get done, then you know that finding time is such an issue. So is practice. Last year was bad. So bad that I just threw myself…

  • On Choosing the Blue Pill

    On Choosing the Blue Pill

    Somewhere on this blog, there is a long ago post about having to take a pill every day for the rest of my life. I grew up knowing that pills were bad. That taking one was a failure. That is not true. It was never true. Every time a pill was added there was someone…

  • Monsters in the Real World: What It’s Like to Get an Easily Preventable Disease Because People Won’t Get Vaccinated

    Monsters in the Real World: What It’s Like to Get an Easily Preventable Disease Because People Won’t Get Vaccinated

    The following is graphic account of sickness. A few days before the end of 2019 I woke up feeling crappy. I took the day off work and figured I had a bad cold. A stack of medications on my bathroom counter and four surgeries later I’m still dealing with that day. This isn’t about Covid.…

  • Things I’d Tell A Younger Me

    Things I’d Tell A Younger Me

    A List. When the teach told you could only read the books in your bin for your reading group of one, which had already read. And if you fussed she would take away all the books, steal the books in the other bins when she wasn’t looking. When they lock you in a room to…

  • 2022: New Year, Same Me Just More Broken Now

    2022: New Year, Same Me Just More Broken Now

    Yesterday I forgot to put coffee in my coffee. I put in the brown sugar, some hot water to water it down, vanilla, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg and some cocoa powder, then walked back to my desk and took a drink of tepid mud water. Yuk. This is a larger issue though, something that has been…

  • I’m Tired

    I’m Tired

    Two more surgeries this year and I’m finally feeling better as far as the ongoing abdominal pain I’ve had for years. Endometriosis isn’t a surprise but, well, it wasn’t unexpected in the context what they thought they would be going into do. So I’m officially in menopause. As far as that goes, so far so…