Category: 78 Images News
While I love to death…there really isn’t a reason for it anymore. So all the posts and pages have been moved here. I’m going to delete the domain. That’ll save some cash. I’m also moving reviews back into the mainstream of blog posts. The plug is wonky and frankly wordpress does way more than…
No More Free Tarot Readings
Lets just face this. I don’t have the time. If you really really want one contact me and we’ll see. If I know…well I always will do one for friends. Sigh. If you’ve asked for one and have not received it, I’m sorry. Soon to come: the altar room is almost finished.
Winter’s Night
Tonight begins the three days of otherworldly influence. I’ll be cleaning the altars are around the house and putting out offerings to the wights and ancestors. Then we go trick or treating and attend parties. In the face of death it’s best to celebrate life. My room is almost done. I am in the process…
Tarot Readings
I don’t have a Waite deck. Clarification: I don’t have a Rider Waite deck. I have clones. Further Clarification: I don’t have a non-giant Rider Waite deck. I’ve decided to get one sometime in the next year…don’t know why…it’ll probably be the universal type. I’ve caught up on the free readings. Some of the folks…
A change in Tarot Readings
For those of you that have requested life readings. I am working on them and you will get yours with in the next few days. As far as what’s next. Your readings are still free. For those requesting Tarot readings in the future. Small four card readings will still be free. Life Readings will now…
Learning Astrology….Numbers Numbers Blah Blah Blah
Aside: I’m still messing with the look of the site…but I’ve updated the Tarot readings page and made the choices for readings easier. My workspace is still under construction at home as well. I hope to have it soon though. Then I’ll have mediation and workspace with the SO coming in and asking, “what’s that…
A Sad Neglect
I am very sorry. Due an extreme job change, I’ve been AWOL. I owe exactly 5 more Tarot readings. You will have them by the end of Saturday. Then the update to 78 Images Later will continue.
YHVH Among Other Things
For those of you that asked for a reading in December, and January So Far: I’ve been flooded with Reading Requests over the last month. Please be patient, I will get to you. If you show up and the page looks broken: Over the next few days this site will be undergoing an upgrade. Please…
More Altar Thoughts…
I got the room cleaned up…now it’s time for organization and placement. My goal is to work on this Sunday…after we get home from Vegas and before I got to Tarot Study. My tarot bad is now all together. Bible cases are great…pockets for three decks (or more), a place for my current tarot book,…
A pagany update….silence is not golden…Tarot Survey…etc.
Go take that tarot survey. It’s the Annual Syndicated Publishing Study on Tarot. You could win a free deck. Now with that out of the way…I’m still trying to figure out how to set up my space in the new house. It’s tricky…and I really need to situate books first to get the clutter put…
What is it about Tarot?
I know it’s been forever and a day since I posted. I realize my daily card postings are not all they could be, but they are all they need be. Does that make sense. I’ve spent the last week updating the backend of such. Updating plugins and getting the site design to be fully widgetized…
Free Readings Over Yahoo!
On the right I now offer live readings over Yahoo Messenger. There is a form that you need to fill out. Let me know if you have any questions (pun intended)