Category: Fuzz Bits

  • J will be Horrified

  • Cat News

    We may have a solution to the cat problem. Seren has been an outdoor cat for a year. She likes it. She doesn’t go too far. She comes back. So far so good. Goose was let out on Sunday and disappeared. I thought. While I was working outside yesterday I heard a familiar cat crying.…

  • Repetition – Things I’ve Learned About Finance

    I’ve begun adding more reps to my Wii Fit strength training exercise. It’s something you unlock as you go, but you have to choose them to do more. Today I started choosing the higher reps I’ve unlocked…I did fairly well. I’m still on only six reps for side planks…those are hard. Midway through the exercise…

  • Tick, Tock

    Slowly things have shapes. I have a lot of cleaning todo. Tonight’s agenda consists of a box run, dinner cooking, bill paying and Aia room cleaning. That’s the goal…reality will probably fall in between. My TV works…so do the Nintendo’s and the playstation…though one has it’s games in another box and the other has it’s…

  • Adventures With Navbo

    What to Do with a Used Furby For my daughter’s first birthday, my grandmother sent her a used Furby. Though still in it’s box it had no directions. Being the year 2001, the Furby craze had long past, and this little first gen black and white fuzz had already been surpassed by baby furby’s and…

  • HOW COULD YOU? By Jim Willis 2001

    A man in Grand Rapids, Michigan took out a $7000 full page ad in the paper to present the following essay to the people of our community. It really touched my heart and I hope it will yours too. When I was a puppy, I entertained you with my antics and made you laugh. You…

  • A Goldfish Oddessy

    After a night of wine drinking , I came home to find two goldfish on the table. Being after midnight and feeling a little tipsy and tired. I just uttered, “Dammit” and went to bed. In the morning, the fish were still there. My grandfather and gotten them for free at the garden show(1 per…

  • Protect your Cats

    Would you let your dog roam around outside alone? In towns and cities most would not, however this is different with cats. People think that these independant minded creatures are somehow immune from cars, wild animals, people, and disease. This counts as neglect and I hope to raise a little awareness about it. I cannot…

  • Hypocrite

    This happened in the spring of 2004. This was the worst decision of my life. I cannot help but hate myself for it, because despite the circumstances it was my fault. My ex-husband moved in just before we got married. Shortly after we were married, we had to turn him in for a breaking probation.…