Category: Hallowquest

  • Hallowquest: Lesson 3

    Daily Companion: Experience: Stone Hallow Wisdom Teacher: Sword Queen Justice, Fairness: Meetup stuff…having to cater…who will object…can’t please everyone. Guide The Star Hope…hope for my agenda…my time…my future. Questions: 1. Proud to be a citizen of the US…Dissatisfied with government. 2. A person with a sword, weeping. 3. Sword Queen: Justice and Fairness for healing…

  • Hallowquest Lesson 2

    Daily Companions: Experience: Stone Six Good Fortune. The picnic today is counted as such. Guide: Spear Knight Be fearless. I just jumped in. I did not worry about actions. It was a good day. Teacher: The Moon It was a reminder of time. I was part of a new tradition and i need to mark…

  • Hallowquest Lesson 1

    Lesson 1 1. I’m going to have to figure out how to get my ass out of bed each day. That’s what it comes down to. What is the most important factor in this course for me: Stone King: Patience and Responsibility 2. Breathing exercises always relax me after long periods. However I have to…

  • Path to the Hallows

    This will officially begin this summer….but prep starts now. Sword seven I start out lost on the path already…true enough between writing, dieting and various pagan activities I continuously stray far. The river in the picture reminds me how hard a path on water is to tread. Sword Ten A decision so early on the…

  • Hallowquest Lesson 63

    6-2-02 8:54am Today: Another day to myself. Aia will be home tonight..I’ll try to get some more work done. Daily Reading: Tarot Companions Experience: Spear Eight Guide: Grail Maiden Teacher: The Green Knight Hrm…progress and and challenge…fullfiling desires….Perhaps getting something done? Learning something new? Meditation: Vigil of Dedication in the Sanctuary of the Hallows Sword…

  • Hallowquest Lesson 62

    6/1/02 4:26pm Today: Another quiet day. I have gotten by books together and bought groceries. Aia’s at Shawn’s again and she will be back tomarrow. I’m glad she will be back, and hopefully I will have a job soon. Daily Reading: Tarot Companions Experience: Sword Four Guide: Spear Knight Teacher: Prydwen A day of getting…

  • Hallowquest Lesson 61

    05/23/02 10:34 am Today: Well I’m still looking for a job. My daughter is at the babysitters and we are going back down to Grandma’s house tonight. Hope all goes well at the job service. I really need to get something soon. Daily Reading: Tarot Companions Experience: Spear Four Guide: Stone King Teacher: Sovereignty Well…

  • Hallowquest Lesson 60

    05/19/02 8:31pm Today: I spent today on my webpage and some graphic stuff. We had a psa meeting and dinner. Aia comes home tomarrow. I can’t wait to see her. Then off to Grandma’s. Daily Reading: Tarot Companions Experience: Grail Nine Guide: Stone King Teacher: Sovereignty I feel that this related mostly to the psa…

  • Hallowquest Lesson 59

    05/08/2002 5:01pm Today: Well I’m done with school. No more tests. Aia is with her grandmother and I miss her horribly. I get to see her on sunday. I feel like I have time now. My grandparents got home from China last night. I just need a job and some time. Daily Reading: Tarot Companions…

  • Hallowquest Lesson 58

    4/12/02 8:25pm Today: I actually went to class today, though I feel lost. Aia is at Shawn’s again. I wish her back. Daily Reading: Tarot Companions Experience: Grail Hallow Guide: Sword King Teacher: Washer at the Ford Throw out the old concentrate on the new…select with impartiality. What do I need, what don’t I need?…

  • Hallowquest Lesson 57

    4/6/2002 6:47am Today: Early start for this saturday morning. I think we will go to the park if it gets nicer, it’s kind of cloudy now. I’ve felt okay, just a bit tired. I don’t think Shawn is paying attention to Aia when he watches her, she always comes back sick in some way. Daily…

  • Hallowquest Lesson 56

    3/29/02 4:19pm Today: Well I haven’t felt that well today. Mostly I have slept. Aia left with Shawn this afternoon. I’ll see her Sunday. She is my little light. Lately she has kept crawling in bed with me. Daily Reading: Tarot Companions Experience: Sword Four Guide: Spear King Teacher: Grail Hermit A day of rest…