Category: Health Files
Diagnosis: Validation in Time
After years of tests and admonitions that I am fine, I have a diagnosis. NASH, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. A form of hepatitis that forms because of fat infiltrating the liver, common with conditions where fat is stored abnormally (PCOS and Hypothyroidism). I’m in the beginning stages of cirrhosis so very little damage. But damage nonetheless. In…
Removing My Hysteria
New Latin, from English hysteric, adjective, from Latin hystericus, from Greek hysterikos, from hystera womb; from the Greek notion that hysteria was peculiar to women and caused by disturbances of the uterus. History and Etymology for hysteria Four weeks ago I had a hysterectomy. Besides the pain, everything seemed to well. I don’t miss my…
The Gall Bladder is Gone – The things they don’t tell you.
It’s been more than a week now. I’m feeling almost normal, almost. My hospital trip itself was a story. Since I want to get better about posting, here I go. I road a bike to the hospital. One of those red rent-a-bikes you see downtown. Those bikes are heavy but I made it up and…