Category: Pagany Goodness

  • New Moon Altar Cleaning

    New Moon Altar Cleaning

    It’s that time again. A new moon means time to clean the altars. I have a few altars. In the 90’s there was a book series (and movie) called the Ya Ya Sisters club. Not really my thing at the time but one of the books in the series was called Little Altars Everywhere. That…

  • Time to Put the Deck Away

    Time to Put the Deck Away

    Having finished my third Hallowquest I think it is time to put the Arthurian Tarot away. I’ve been reading with these cards for nearly twenty years, nearly every day. I know them as well as I know standard tarot. But… I want to expand my readings. I use tarot of course but there more decks…

  • Back into the Swing

    Trying to get back into the habit of things, lots of things. Part of my past year has been dealing with Fibro. I got the results from my MRI. Clean. That’s awesome but it means that this is part of the Fibro/PCOS/Hypo cocktail that is my physical problem. Basically this is yoga, meditation and daily…

  • I Am Not My Ancestors Daughter

    The recent hoopla about Hemdall being cast as Idris Elba is strange. One side attacks from the racist view that their ancestors had and the other from the atheist and/or christian view that those gods don’t really exist. Let’s pretend the world is sane at the moment. 1. It’s a comic book movie. Comic books…

  • Amethyst Diving

    Last week I was in Lake Havasu visiting the family, and swimming and other combinations of those two. Mostly I came back tired and burnt, but hey, it was fun. The last day of swimming in the channel next to the London Bridge, I did some rock diving. One specific rock diving: Amethyst. I’ve found…

  • God of Fear and Death

    The god of death walks up to you and says if you don’t worship me you will be tortured endlessly when you die. If you do then I’ll let you continue to exist without pain. When I think about gods, I’m thinking about crazy powerful beings which have way better things to do then grant…

  • Breath and Dots

    Breathing, as in, in and out, nose and mouth. It’s calming, it focuses it’s what I like to do. You can feel the earth move, the stars shift and just relax. Dots, as in pictures, tell stories that you have to learn to see. They are minimalist drawings of freedom and wind and rain and…

  • Upsetting Words

    It amazes some times what various Wicca books still assume. So I’m on day 2 of the year and the day.  They want my reaction to certain words dubbed Upsetting Words. The words are:  Wicca, Witchcraft, Earth Religion, Power, Occult, Magic, Ritual, Spell and Pagan. My reaction:  So?  I’ve been a pagan all my life. …

  • B.O.T.A Initiation and Earth Meditation

    I completed the BOTA initiation ritual yesterday, which both serves to dedicate the self and the space in a special.  I found it empowering and uplifting. I also did an earth connection meditation via the year and the day book.  It was interesting and nice.  It’s the kind of meditation that just makes you feel…

  • Year Card: Justice

    So the card for this year is Justice. Why? 2+0+0+9 = 11 And I prefer Justice in the 11 position. I don’t have the hubris to know who’s justice it’ll be or if overall the scales will balance out.  This will be an interesting year. My own resolutions are simple:  get things done.  Study Japanese,…

  • Labor Day Weekend ’08

    So this weekend was Tacticon. Three of my games went off. It looks like the Vampire Hunters left Kilkore and the crew of the Winding Leaf added to the their list of felonies three-fold. It’s definitely a complete weekend when some one groans, “Oh I remember this moral dilemma, thanks.”It is an interesting social experiment…

  • Doing Well…Nice to Say

    Exercise has been near nill since the Kidney Stones. Two weeks ago I started doing Wii Fit yoga twice a week. This week I brought my Yoga dvd with me so I could do something. Besides swimming, hiking and walking…I manged three sessions of yoga at 1/4 modified. I feel pretty good. I’m eating well…