Category: Politico

  • Election

    I used to be amused by Utopians. With life experience, I have grown to fear them. The great failing of Utopians is that they can never accept that someone else might not want to be a part of their utopian vision. Like ill-mannered tourists, they assume that if you don’t agree with them, it must…

  • Horror and Rape, Bullying and Girls – SPEAK

    I was going to write about something else today. I do have posts lined up after all. But this…this man’s reaction to something he clearly doesn’t get…makes me want to scream. Wesley Scroggins opinion on Speak is malformed at best. Out right dangerous at worst. Speak deals with bullying and rape. It is a strong…

  • Hail to the Chief

    Via Today we have a new president.  He’s new.  He’s different.  He’s re-appointing everyone who worked or was married to Clinton.  What kind of president will he be?  We don’t know. But he’s done one important thing.  He’s changed the face of America. Go Him.  🙂

  • Obama and His Invocation, Estrogen in Lotion, Debt and my Computer

    Have nothing really in common. First I’d like to talk about Obama and Rick Warren. Does everyone seem to forget that Obama is against gay marriage? Or that many of the things Rick Warren stands for (even the book), Obama has said he also stands for? This isn’t a shock, folks. Estrogen is apparently in…

  • Voting

    So I got my voting done today. I’m trying to get some DGA stuff done and some work on my room. Imanahe to stsrt shifting books around last weekend. It’s like shifting grains of sand at my house. Sis had bring back Seren. Not because of the cat doing bad things; she was good. Rather…

  • Early Voting Begins Today in Colorado

    You have till the 31st of October to vote early. Then you have to wait in a long line on Nov 4. Vote.

  • Is Rome Burning Yet?

    DOW down almost 700 pts. S&P nearly 100. The bailout failed to pass the House. I am a happy girl. Let the flames begin.

  • Go GOP

    So the GOP stalled the bailout for albiet stupid reasons (outrage from Americans being very far down on the list of whys) for now. Thank the gods. Why can’t they understand how bad this bailout is. And Paulson getting on his knees and begging for money? Dear lord, if that works I need to plan…

  • So Stupid it will Melt Your Brain.

    The Pentagon is worried terrorists will use games like WOW to plan attacks. Hail to the morons. The guys who put it together doesn’t even play the game. Does it hurt to have your panties in a bunch your entire life? More promising things…I got to play Spore finally. It’s fun. More than fun. It…

  • Belated Palin Post

    She’d be perfect if she weren’t a nutty anti-abortion creationist. And that’s all I have to say on that. Well that and the GOP website has someone pretty to put on their besides Obama.

  • AWOL

    It’s Tacticon weekend. So I’ll be unavailable most of the weekend. Monday I’m removing wallpaper, so if you like to watch paint un-dry I could use the emotional support. History was made in Denver last night. We have an official AA candidate. Go us. There will be many more now…we are country that runs on…