Category: Qabalah

  • Tav

    I’ve been ill. If you’re waiting on a tarot reading it’s coming to you this weekend. I’ve begun Madonna Compton’s book Archetypes on the Tree of Life. Tav, the head, is facinating. I imagine this path to sea green, flowing in Nile fashion. It’s the first step…understanding. I begin this after coming out of the…

  • Disturbing use of the Sun Card

    We’ve completed the Sephirot at Tarot Geeks, and have moved onto the paths. I have settled into studying the following decks while we do this…The Gill Tarot…one of the most excellent Kabbalah decks around; the Witches Tarot…pretty but I’m finding this unusable for reading the more I study; and the Fantasy tarot which is just…

  • Heh

    Binah Water The world of the Throne The world of Creation Between (root of Binah) Three Fates: Spinner, Measure, Cutter. Kether, Chokmah, Binah. Who is in Charge. It was an intense session the other night. What makes the Queens in a tarot deck women of power? It became the central question of the night. The…

  • YHVH Among Other Things

    For those of you that asked for a reading in December, and January So Far: I’ve been flooded with Reading Requests over the last month. Please be patient, I will get to you. If you show up and the page looks broken: Over the next few days this site will be undergoing an upgrade. Please…

  • Gathering – An Update

    So Tarot Geeks has been going really well. We’ve finished up the sepheroth with a review and a coloring of the tree. Next it’s the four worlds and Hebrew letters. Overall Kabbalah is a deep and enriching system…just not mine. It’s not my world view. But worth the look. I feel like I did when…

  • Malkuth

    The earth. Fire and water. The veiled world in balance. This is probably the most straight forward Sephiroth. It’s veiled colors make sense. It just is. And yet it is this other thing which I cannot describe. The resolution in Earth. The extremes…tarot easily fits in this and paganism too. It’s not a justification though.…

  • Tree of Life

    By studying the Qabalah, aren’t we flying in the face of God? For in studying the Tree of Life we are trying to know what God threw Adam and Eve out of the garden for. The ate of the Tree of Knowlege of Good and Evil…and to keep the Tree of Life safe, god threw…

  • Yesod

    This sephiroth is perhaps the easiest for me to grok. I can grasp this and even see reflections of it in the tarot. The idea of the preparation complete and now the waiting people struck true in the 8’s of the various suits…though Reed’s pregnant woman is out of place with my experience as a…

  • Hod

    That which interacts…the clash of the positive and negative. It’s the type of splendor you see in an army about to engage in battle. It’s the family relationship you get when forced to do the unthinkable together. It’s control. The decisive action you can make with control. The 7’s have this aspect but they encompass…

  • Netzach

    Emotion guides the intellect. Accomplishment, inspiration, level of intent. Then the author (Ellen Cannon Reed) lost me. She used Babylon 5 reference. Gag-me-with-a-spoonIf you want to know how I feel about Bab5…go here and search for it. The energies mix…male and female together. Creation after completion. Contamination from emotion….sex (from the male aspect now being…

  • Tifareth

    This is where the path turns. Meditation: Walking along a path near a lake…the moon is up and a storm is brewing. I’m afraid. I see a child along the path who does not speak…just points down the path. I come to a wall with a large gate and steps leading up to the top.…

  • Geburah

    Judgment without preparation. Fear. Creation through Destruction…Kali? Sacrifice. Geburah just happens. But it is also the restraint in not letting things just happen. Can spontaneous happiness be reeled in. As a Pagan I ask…why should it?