Fun with Painting

I’m still having trouble with eyes.

I blended the hell out of my latest mini…and it’s looking good…but now that I’m down to the eyes I’m more than frustrated. It’s hit or miss with the eyes right now, But a few things have really helped me along with the rest of the process.

If you’re gonna blend you should have a wet palette. I’ve been using ceramic palettes for a long time but I might have just weaned myself from them. You can buy premade wet palettes. These are usually plastic (I’ve seen wood) containers with foam in the paint slots. A lid is provided to cover the palette so that the paint doesn’t dry.

I just bought a paint bin…it was a dollar at hobby lobby. Basically it’s a plastic bin which has holes for brushes around it’s rim, a side for water with a corragated bottom, and a side to lay brush in either just cause or to soak them. It has an inset lit which opens into a palette. I took some of the multitude of foam that comes with mini’s, cut a large piece to fit and I have a great wet palette. I have a handy water bottle for wetting it.

Next I squirt a bit of paint in strategic places on the foam. I think drop some water on that. Suddenly I can save my paints till the next session, get dry brushing and washes from the same palette and blend on the palette without the paint drying. When I’m done I either wash the foam out, or put a drop of water on each paint splotch and close the lid. The paint is ready for the next time. Isn’t that cool?

This doesn’t help the eye situation though.

I’ve been playing in Vue more and I actually finished an image!

There Upon the Horizon

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52 Stories
Outline: Dreamfire
Ivy Walker: When we are married, will you dance with me? I find dancing very agreeable. Why can you not say what is in your head?
Lucius Hunt: Why can you not stop saying what is in yours? Why must you lead, when I want to lead? If I want to dance I will ask you to dance. If I want to speak I will open my mouth and speak. Everyone is forever plaguing me to speak further. Why? What good is it to tell you you are in my every thought from the time I wake? What good can come from my saying that I sometimes cannot think clearly or do my work properly? What gain can rise of my telling you the only time I feel fear as others do is when I think of you in harm? That is why I am on this porch, Ivy Walker. I fear for your safety before all others. And yes, I will dance with you on our wedding night.
The Village






2 responses to “Fun with Painting”

  1. Heartburn Home Remedy Avatar
    Heartburn Home Remedy

    This topic is quite trendy in the net right now. What do you pay the most attention to while choosing what to write about?

  2. Michelle Avatar

    I write about whatever is on my mind.

    I am having trouble painting eyes on small minis. Therefore I write on it. Trends don’t really worry me.

    Why be shallow and follow trends? Sometimes my interests coincide with trends. Most times they don’t.

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