Yay! Computer problems, grenades blowing up in the bellies of dragons, high speed space chases, moral dilemmas, all night drinking and the kapow, smack, boom of the superhero round off…yes I was at a gaming convention this weekend. Why do you ask.
Fun stuff and a new Quote: I am the butterscotch and I am waiting for the kisses. Folks this is what happens when you have sugar, candy miniatures and some one honestly trying to tell the GM where he is and what he is doing.
Either way I am tired now. I think I’m going to stop running Demon Hunter RPG…it goes on only once and generally is never filled. I managed one full table on it and that’s a record for a game I’ve been running for nearly two years. Time to think of something else? I’m thinking of upping Serenity to four slots so more people can get in. And maybe I should start a fantasy game….hrm….
My painted mini’s are reaching a point to which I probably should bring them for the players. One of the suggestions I had this time is some kind of representation on the table instead of inside my head. Sounds like a good idea to me. 😀
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