Hallowquest Lesson 37

11/29/2001 8:50pm

Today: Played with Aia, went to school, got some stuff for my puzzle. Seemed long.

Daily Reading: Tarot Companions
Experience: Spear Hallow
Guide: Sword Knight
Teacher: Arthur

It is almost as if the cards are saying yes, go for it, do this. So I am going to apply for graduate school. I have too.

Meditation: The Spiral Tower
I do the spiral tower spread, see below, and the owl woman gives me a white feather that I absorb, and it becomes part of my shield, an empowering element.

1. Grail Four
2. Stone Six
3. Grail Ten
4. Stone Eight
5. Stone Three
6. Stone Two
7. Grail Two
8. The Spiral Tower
9. Arthur
10. Sword Seven
11. Stone Four
12. Spear Hallow

Well Grail Four describes me well right now. I pretty out of it. I’m definatly speading money like I was rich…problem. Yes I was pretty confident in my choices, and learned just to keep going where home was concerned. I have been very creative over the last year, but have been lax in keeping up with the work. I certainly thought my relationships were full of love and co-operation, I just learned that, that was wrong. I’ve really come to know myself more, through my daughter, I’ve really taken a stand in the last year asserting what I want. However my social life is not that good, I’m almost a recluse. I think I need to share more out..I’ve really been a recluse. Am I really good creatively?

These are things I know and that I’ve really been analysing lately. No answers for the problems yet. Well not easy ones anyway.

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