Happiness, Loneliness, Sharing

I am mostly alone.

That’s not fully true. My dogs are here. I talk with and visit friends all the time. Life is just a quiet stillness for me. And realizations.

Realizations that I am happy. I don’t need anyone to make me happy.

Dating has not gone well. At this age who is left but those who would drag me down? Now I put things where I want them. Make the food I want to eat. Do the things I enjoy.

Why change that for someone else?

I went on a date last Friday. It was all things I hated. The little things. Things that build up over time. I had to conform to where they had to go. Fit into their schedule. Wait for them. Oops, they decided to do something else before and after. It cut into our time. Oops. Just wait, and leave early. Wait some more.


I don’t want to compromise everything. I don’t want to make others feel comfortable. What about my comfort?


Motherfucker, I earned selfish.

Not to say I don’t want to help. I will help, I will enjoy.

I won’t break my back to do everything for you when you do nothing for me.

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52 Stories
Outline: Dreamfire
Ivy Walker: When we are married, will you dance with me? I find dancing very agreeable. Why can you not say what is in your head?
Lucius Hunt: Why can you not stop saying what is in yours? Why must you lead, when I want to lead? If I want to dance I will ask you to dance. If I want to speak I will open my mouth and speak. Everyone is forever plaguing me to speak further. Why? What good is it to tell you you are in my every thought from the time I wake? What good can come from my saying that I sometimes cannot think clearly or do my work properly? What gain can rise of my telling you the only time I feel fear as others do is when I think of you in harm? That is why I am on this porch, Ivy Walker. I fear for your safety before all others. And yes, I will dance with you on our wedding night.
The Village






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