In Finding the Perfect Christmas

Pictures will come when Aia is in bed and I’m not sleepwalking.

So PoN took us all on a merry ride to hell to the Denver Doll Emporium. I found the BJD, Orient Doll Ha Girl (Joong Choo). It’s face was darling and not scary like Miranda‘s.

So I thought: Hey, Aia would love this…if I can make it perfect.

I started digging around the store. I had a simple code…refuse to ask questions…must find nearly on own or no buy. And above all, if I could not find the perfect everything for this naked, eyeless doll then I would not buy.

I came so close.

First came the eyes. Light pink or green…perhaps grey. All were to be had but final choice would come if outfit and hair could be found.

Hair was looking daunting. It had to be long and overwhelme the face. This doll had no accessories as of yet and all other’s her size were cutise babies with short bobs.

This girl couldn’t be a baby.

Larger sizes had all kinds of gorgeous long, straight, crinkled and curly hair which look awesome on her but was not for sale.

Finally, in the Barbie section, I found a doll with four interchangable wigs…which fit the ha girl beautifully. Of course wigs only came with the Barbie but she had two curly wigs sold separately.

The deep auburn one was it, it decided on the green eyes.

Of course during this time I was trying to find clothing. Plagued by the same baby cuteness I wandered over to the orphanage. In a large plastic bag were two decaying dolls from the 1940’s.

And two once-fabulous dresses.

Lacy with red trim and a red, ermine trimmed velvet cape it was perfect. The other, again lacy with real feather wings. Both needed sewing and steam. Both fit the little Ha Girl, giving her the grace she strove for rather than the baby doll look that was being foisted on her.

Crap…that meant I had to buy it for Aia.

So $300.00 dollars later and a lot of sweat getting those dresses done…Aia will have a good Christmas.

Check List:

Remove all unwanted staples.
Reglue ermine tales back onto cape.
Surgically remove decaying doll bodies from angel dress.
Reinforce wings.
Stitch up any rips in tool.
Stitch black stamped stars in silver.
Embroider shirt of princess dress in crimson.

On another note: I sent off the application packet to Mongoose Publishing. Whee!

This is all PoN’s fault. But that’s okay, we luvs the wendiesses.

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The life that is unexamined is not worth living.Plato (B.C. 427?-347?)



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