It was a happy Mother’s Day

I did mange to pile some stress about me that I probably shouldn’t have. I was bad..but all in all it’s been okay.

I actually got quite a bit of writing done and have nearly completed chapter 9. I’m pretty excited to be moving forward.

My grandmother gave me some ideas for removing the wallpaper border in the guest room. We also got all the wiring fixed in the house and some new fixtures.

Today both Aia and I have doctor’s appointments. It’s time for her yearly and my medication check. Then I need to clean the kitty area and do some carpet cleaning. Writing and DDR to follow.

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52 Stories
Outline: Dreamfire
We miss them, our friends. We miss people, of course. You know, our co-workers, like um… of course, uh, Glasses McLabCoat…and uh, the-the girl…who would kick… kick everyone…I miss her.Legion






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