Right now I can go at a good pace…but I tend to pick up stitches I didn’t mean too. The starter kit included a counter but not any directions on how to use it.
Last night I knitted several rows and I hope to hit a few again tonight. Once I finish this I’ll go back to the bag I started last weekend.
I should have brought the knitting with me today…ah well. I’ll have it with me this weekend. I manged to find a bag that works great and holds my embroidery as well. I’ve got some sketches for my next card…Strength, and embroidered buttons.
I’m glad I grokked knitting fast. It’s fun…and hopefully I’ll learn more. I have a box of afghan cards too to try. I want to make a shawl too at some point. I have ideas for tarot bags, marbling, and altar clothes.
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