Labor Day Weekend ’08

So this weekend was Tacticon. Three of my games went off. It looks like the Vampire Hunters left Kilkore and the crew of the Winding Leaf added to the their list of felonies three-fold. It’s definitely a complete weekend when some one groans, “Oh I remember this moral dilemma, thanks.”It is an interesting social experiment how often gamers will choose to break the law for the greater good at the gaming table. I wonder how that translates in real life.

I got to play 4th ed. It plays like a video game, which was no surprise. It was fun, if totally combat oriented. In fact the rogue I played wasn’t good at much of anything but combat. For the first time in playing a 1st level rogue being hit with 22 hp of damage I got to yell, “I’m still alive!” And so the game progressed. I took over 100 hp of damage total and lived the majority of the night through it. It was great.

But it’s not DnD. It just isn’t. The names are there but it doesn’t work with the same flow as 1st, 2nd or 3rd ed. It is fun, it’s not the same. I can safely say no LFR for me, but I’ll play the classics as they’re offered.

I did finish chapter 13, and I’ve got a good deal done on chapter 21. Things are flying now and that eee PC is just great for this.

On Monday I finally removed that wallpaper. It took all of 20 minutes. I got the bed broke down and half the room cleaned out. Goal: by the end of the week be ready to dedicate the space. Woot! Of course it turns out that the wall is a different color under the wallpaper. Go them. I’ll have to think on solutions to this.

I also made Chicken stock. Clean-out-your-fridge chicken stock is easy. You need a half eaten whole chicken…mine was lemon pepper flavored, carrots, potatoes, peas, perl onions, garlic, cumin, curry, bay leaves, thyme, savory, salt, pepper, some Mrs Dash, water, whisky, vodka, white wine, liquid smoke, red pepper and two bullion cubes. Then boil the hell out of it for 3 hours or until it tastes good. Then remove all solid matter, feed the carrots and some of the potatoes to the dogs, the rest get’s composted but you can eat it all (except the bones) if you’re not on a diet. And you have chicken stock…num.

What else? That’s mostly it right now. I have web page stuff to do and more writing.

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Outline: Dreamfire
How can they say my life isn’t a success? Have I not for more than sixty years got enough to eat and escaped being eaten?Cindy Adams


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