As I’ve dedicated more and more free time to art the universe appears to want to knock me down.
I started this post in … April? I had a hard winter, for lots of reasons, mostly health but I started to get back into the swing of things, posting videos, painting, writing. I thought after living in WA for over a year I was finding my grove.

Then Google changed some internet rules and work got insane. In my line of work, internet rules matter a lot, and I was working late hours to keep up. I didn’t have much mental or physical energy left, so most of the “me” time I got went to my dogs or me just shutting down in a video game.
Finally, work cooled off and I started coming out of it… only to have family stuff, political stuff… and the world came at me with a hammer.
I’m trying hard to get things done. And that’s what this post doing. The start of my out-of-funk.
Where Am I?
The fragmentation of the internet is here and it’s not pretty. What once was an interconnected ecosystem of meaning, meanness, and discovery, has become an epic dick-measuring contest. I can’t be everywhere at once so I have had to make some choices. My socials are listed at the top of my page. At least the ones I try to keep up with. The further down the list they go, the less likely I’m updating them. At least directly. You’ll notice Twitter is at the bottom. Yes, I know the name was changed to satisfy a toddler’s whim from the 90’s. I don’t care.
So where do I reside on the webs these days? Forums have mostly moved to Discord. I don’t have my own. Maybe I will at some point. My footprint seems too small but I’ll get to that.
This post is gonna skip around but please be patient I have a lot to get too.
Look. I know they have skeevy practices with your content. However, it’s still where I can post and hit the most places, and have the most views. It’s usually the first place I post because it’s still an image-first platform. It will also post to my Facebook page and my Threads account so I don’t have to. Though sometimes Threads will post back to Instagram… and well, it’s a thing. I can’t afford to look at everything but I do scan for comments here. Or a try too.

I have a channel. I’ve had one for years. I’m trying to get back to one video a week, but right now I’m managing one every two weeks. Unfortunately, I don’t have enough followers or views to make any money off it but I enjoy making the videos so much. Lots of painting, some writing, some pagan and tarot content. Last week I put up my review and speed paint of Arteza Gouache. It’s really become about my art journey. This annoyingly has been helpful when someone accuses me of using AI because I can point to my videos and say, “See, you can watch me paint it!” Please come watch!
Those pink buttons and little coffee cups are links to Ko-Fi, an alternative to Patreon. Here, if you would like to support me, you can sen a few dollars or even sign up for a few dollars a month. Month subscriptions right now will get you mention in my videos and streams, as well as other content. This also where I plan to sell art prints from because unlike Etsy & Patreon, Ko-Fi doesn’t take huge fees from the purchaser or the artist. I don’t get money from YouTube, Twitch, or any sponsors.
Now that Twitter is just a black hole for Musk’s echo chamber, finding a new place to settle has been difficult. However BlueSky became that place both because of it’s familiarity and because most of who I follow wandered there. After Instagram, this is the first place I post.
While the newest, is place is just for artists or people who want to follow artists. It’s great for sharing your art and saving a portfolio. Only my art posts go there though…it’s not really for anything else. But it’s nice, the internet has really be lacking an art community for artists for awhile.
I haven’t steamed since the beginning of the year. Mostly because I burned out hard. I think I liked doing the art and writing streams better than gaming ones. Mostly because when I lose myself in a game, I don’t want to talk. I plan to do more streams, but they are going to be art & writing focused… if I can get my act together. Streams usually get posted afterwards to YouTube.
Tumblr, Mastadon, Threads and the Rest
Links are at the top but I don’t frequent these much. When I remember I try to post to these, Threads gets posts from Instagram…and mabye Facebook. Not sure. I only go there where someone says something interesting. Twitter is now the last place I post, if I remember at all. Why bother. Unless you pay you see nothing and no one sees your post.
Blog, and World Anvil
I’ve been pretty bad about post in here and in news in World Anvil. I do try. And now that I have a working website again, I plan to post more. My world building is all on World Anvil though and that gets updated everytime I write.
I wish I could post to all the these places at once. I miss being able to do that.
The Future
So thats how to find me. I’m trying hard to make this art thing work. This writing thing work. Please consider supporting me. Subscirbe, Like, and maybe check out Ko-Fi.
Happy Friday all.
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