You know I put Scribefire in my Firefox…I should use it. Really.
The books are nearing completion. In fact I’m on K’s. Due to the expansion to include J’s books…I’m pretty sure the M’s and N’s will fit downstairs…maybe O’s. But by P, I’ll be upstairs.
That means total cleaning upstairs comes next…cause there are things other than books on those shelves…Things which belong in better places.
I’m sure J will be please when it’s all done…hell I’ll be pleased…it’ll mean I can sit and watch movies again…sew, and play video games! While playing the daughter’s DS during lunch break is fun…I should be reading. I have a Wii coming in January…Playstation games to play and some Nintendo 64 memories to enjoy.
Not to mention that FFXI account that I’ve only logged into for about 2 hours per month for the last six months.
Reading goes unabated as random book mode works. I’ll get back to the last of the Andre Norton books as soon as they go on the shelves and I finish either the go book…there are those reviews I’m getting behind on. I know.
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