I like being a web designer.
I like making pretty things…even if my version of pretty seems to be skewed from everyone else. That’s okay.
But when I take ugly code (which isn’t even pretty words) and do something nice I am always inordinately pleased with myself.
Which totally scares people. Really. This isn’t the first time a client has been about ready to pee their pants when I take their website hostage. It’s not hostage because I’m mean, it’s hostage because they are uninterested in the particulars. I’m pretty open about access to all parties involved. But the way the client puts you’d think I took their only child and threatened to mail them to Aubudabi. Too bad they gave me the stamps, the box and a few dollars for my efforts.
I do get repeat business, funny enough. Those that tend to run away usually never have a website again because they couldn’t handle point and click to begin with, much less a scary website.
Anyway I have all kinds of new admin tools working now in the website I’m messing with. Go me. I’m down to tickets…can’t test it though without the ticket printer.
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