(Re)Writing Modules Part II

こにちわ! おげんきですか?

I figured out a long time ago that I needed a template to write modules. My first foray was in Dungeons and Dragons 3.0 modules.

Let me tell you…the RPGA template sucks. It lacks a time limit structure and there is too much room for fodder that you don’t need in a four hour module. 80-100 page modules are mostly useless.

Every module can’t and shouldn’t cater to every level. It’s silly and usually make the module crap for all but the level it’s intended.

In my dream living game…there is no APLApplied Player Level…correct me if I’m wrong.. Rather a set number of modules for various level ranges. Now this is hard to do on a small scale. But then small scale Living games usually have the same game at all levels…just different bad guys at various levels.

This is why I write one shots in systems that aren’t as rule heavy. I have a different template for each gaming system. I write to those templates…and I usually end up with a three page module. Add in 8 pages for the characters and two for the handouts…and I’ve got a solid 4 hour game. Unless the PC’s kill themselves…and that does happen.

I haven’t bothered to tackle this for 3.0 or 3.5. I don’t have a desire to run those games. In January I hope to have written a module for 2nd Edition Spell Jammer. I have written adventures for that in the past…and there is a lot of software support for 2nd Edition still out there. I don’t know how popular it will be but 2nd Edition players see few and far between these days…it’s still the fantasy system I love best.

Though I wonder if I could put in the effort to write Spell Jammer Rules using Serenity RPG’s d12 system?


I don’t know that I will write for 4.0. I’m still being bugged to write for Serial Pulp…still trying to get an idea solidified for that.


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