Stop up the Bucket

Damn. Really, just damn. The head hunter dried up quick. She did make me take a test. I always get the psycho answer, always. She probably took one look at my test scores and said, “damn she’s psycho, we can’t unleash her in the land of opportunity”.

She said they hadn’t even started interviews yet and that they would this week. But now they’ve stopped the interview process and will hopefully start it in the future.

Gah. What is keeping me here?

I just feel sad. Really. Perhaps I should just forget about ever getting out of this job and just concentrate on writing. Not even thirty and I’m at a dead end job. Life sucks.

But it doesn’t really. Life is pretty good right now but it’s all being dragged down by this stupid job. Oh they assure me that they’ll have plenty for me to do, ya filing and copies.

Bitch. Moan.

So lets look on the bright side of the horizon. Monday I droped Mistaken back in the mail. I love that feeling. I did a lot more revising this time.

Also, I sent out Change. This one of my college stories. I had to work a bit more backstory into it giving the lesson a little more oomph. Of course there’s a lesson…it’s pagan/mainstream fiction. I actually found a pagan magazine to send it too. Of course they said no dark stuff…but this isn’t really dark. It just seems that way. (Giving out anymore would give away the story).

In the mail yesterday, I recieve a random book from writer’s digest. I don’t remember this being a main selection. There’s some abbriviated mumbo jumbo on the invoice about back orders. (I hate that about book clubs. Why can’t they spell out the name of the book and the author? They use microprint anyway leaving lots of whitespace on the page). I don’t remember not responding to the main selection.

Oh well. The Writer’s Little Helper looks interesting. I still think that writer’s books, like pagan books should all be hard covered and spiral bound. It would only make sense. This is hardbound but no spiral. Damn. It has color coded pages too.

That will make it hard to read at the office.


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2 responses to “Stop up the Bucket”

  1. Wendy Avatar

    Hi you. You know, Stepehen King was working in a laundromat when his wife sent it _Carrie_ for him. Anne Rice worked as a proofreader of law books (I think) and HATED it before she finally wrote _Interview With a Vampire_. (Not saying you’re a horror writer, that’s just the genre I know.)

    Anyway, my point is of COURSE you’re in a dead end job, and any job you accepted right now would BE a dead end job, no matter how much you liked it or felt appreciated, because no job but writer is where you belong, and no job but writer will make you happy. So you might as well hang out where you have benefits, know how everything works, and be glad they’re not making you use up brainpower you could use for writing. (shrug) But that’s just me.

    Just think of all the inspiration you’re going to be able to give, when you’re a world famous writer, telling wanna-be writers about how much you hated the day job you had right before you got your big break… 🙂

  2. Michelle Avatar

    Heh, thanks for the encouragement!

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