Tag: health
Removing My Hysteria
New Latin, from English hysteric, adjective, from Latin hystericus, from Greek hysterikos, from hystera womb; from the Greek notion that hysteria was peculiar to women and caused by disturbances of the uterus. History and Etymology for hysteria Four weeks ago I had a hysterectomy. Besides the pain, everything seemed to well. I don’t miss my…
Contemplating Vegetarianism
Food is a dilemma. I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2009, officially, with various mentions of it beforehand. My first cyst was in 2002, that I knew was a cyst. I had random abdomen pain before but was told it was nothing. So who knows. Infertility aside, my body was taking insulin, storing it as…
Now that I can Breath, First Item: Food
So I need to still figure out what is wrong but Albuterol has made a huge difference. I still have the cough but I can control it now. Need to make an appointment with my doctor to talk about it. Anyway I’ve started experimenting with food. Spinach has been a win in small amounts. Also…
I Don’t Walk the Dog
I’m trying to suss this out. It’s like pulling apart a carpet thread by thread. My Tiger year has been full of challenges and I’ve rose against every single one. The last ditch effort for the Tiger to draw blood has and I’m not sure where I’m at about it. Trying to balance a year…
So my blood work came back today. And all of it was Good. Let me break that down. T4: Good Hemoglobin: Good Blood Sugar: Good Iron: Good T3: Good Anomallies: None This is bad…that means my medication is doing what it should be. That means that the period thing is being caused by something far…
There is TMI in this Post Amoung the Weekend Updates
So no, the weekend did not start out well with my computer dying, again. I’m actually extremely upset now as I know it’s a hardware issue. At the end of the week I should have an update on that. Any bets on what I’ll get from Dell this time? Writing went well this weekend. Not…