Tag: knitting

  • Floppy Hat Pattern

    I started this hat using a pattern but it wasn’t working out. So I took what was almost a frogging mess and changed it to make a floppy hat! I used worsted weight yarn and size 10 needles. Cast On: 116 stitches Knit for 2 -3 inches. 2ktog, 1 row. End results 58 stitches on…

  • This Was Not the Hat I’m Looking For

    For the first time in my short knitting career, I’ve changed up a pattern. I was following a pattern from Knitting Rules by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee when I notice the hat was for a man with the head of a basketball instead of a 10 year-old normal sized girl. The problem was the cast-on. She says…

  • Weaving Update: This and Me? We’re Like Friends Who Cut Each Other for S & G

    I’m nearly halfway done with my first weaving project. It is not what you’d call pretty yet. The bulky yarn snags and fluffs in irritating ways. But I can now do five triangles an hour. Then I have to sew them together. Making the pretty will require blocking. I’m not sure how well that will…

  • Woe: Good Things and Bad Things

    Perhaps it’s just me. Good thing: My Dr. Who inspired scarf (my first modified design, not the actual dr. who knitting pattern) is going well. The Bad: My new laptop is dead…Dell is sending me another one.

  • Things We Did

    The holiday weekend was full of weird things. First, of course, came Thanksgiving. This holiday went like most except Aia decided to have a full on melt down which resulted in a spanking and a long time out (which relatives trying “help” by giving her whatever she wanted didn’t). Basically she spilt water on her…

  • 17 Needles

    So I’ve been reading the Stitch & Bitch book. Yay, instruction. I’ve decided to at least try and knit their teaching projects and first one is for a chunky scarf. It’s going to go to J. Unfortunately the project calls for size 17 needles. Big humongous needles I don’t have. I’m not sure why they…

  • Ravelry

    Yah! My Ravelry invite came today. Knitty goodness!

  • Pain, Knitting and Everything Else this Weekend

    So yeah pain. Looks like the doc can’t see me till next Monday. Yeah me! I finished Aia’s hat this weekend. It’s imperfect but very cute. I love how this threat gave it a shaded pattern. I have a little bit of this stuff left over…not sure what to do with it. I saw no…

  • Taking up Knitting Needles

    K, so a quick update then I promise I’ll write about something other than kidney stones. I am on flowmax now to try to use the force of my pee (totally not my words) to move it out. If it doesn’t move by next Monday, we’re talking surgery. Ick. I’ve taken up knitting. Just this…