Tag: nanowrimo

  • NaNoWriMo

    I am writing for NaNoWriMo this year. As always, it’s fun and crazy, I fell behind early. Frustrated by a work schedule which includes an hour commute I’ve lost a lot of valuable writing time. Then I remembered I had Dragon Naturally Speaking. And a digital voice recorder. Now I’m hitting 3,000 words daily, if I remember…

  • More Pretty Pictures

    Yay! Site redesign! NaNo Procrastination! I bent the 2011 theme to my needs. I wanted a new header picture to base the color scheme around, so I made one in Vue 9. I’ve gotten more of the render settings down and spent a lot of time sculpting each mountain and rock. Last, I sculpted some…

  • NaNoWriMo 2010 Thoughts

    So we have three days till NaNoWriMo begins. I have an outline and my idea is going to be fun. This is my 7th year as an ML and my 9th doing NaNo. I have three wins in all that time, but a lot of material. This year I have an outline and a manuscript…

  • The Countdown to NaNoWriMo

    The boards are reset! That means it’s that time again, in less than a month the game begins anew. We’ll be writing from dawn till dawn for 30 days. Or something like that. The official site is nanowrimo.org. Denver has it’s own site at: dennanos.org. Join the fun! *Admitantly I’ve been very busy since coming…

  • Writing Like a Madwoman

    OMG my word count is large. I got 10,000 words done already. I should feint but dang, I’m happy. Going to bed early helped. Read Going to Bed Early as hiding in the bedroom typing till J. came in.

  • Writing Starts at Midnight! Happy Halloween!

    Yeah! So NaNoWriMo starts tonight. My hands are itching. That and we’re getting ready for our Halloween party tomorrow. Fun! Hope to see some of you there!

  • Being Good

    I have a deadline to meet. So be good. In the mean time…thinking about NaNoWriMo? Check out this.

  • Nanowrimo 2008

    It happens in November. You have to write 50,000 words. And this year, Denver has a Website. Not much there yet but a lot of it should go up today.