Tag: pictures
Vue 7 Pioneer For Free
Vue 7 Pioneer is out of beta and it’s still free! Yah! It’s a great way to try the software and you can buy modules to bring it all the way up to complete if you wish. Vue long ago surpassed Bryce as Bryce suffered from a string of uninterested companies finally devolving into a…
Okay I’m Still Sick
Look at the pretty until I feel like writing something:
The Gallery is Back, The Links are Gone
I’ve started my gallery again. I also now have a Picasa account for photos. Go me. I removed the links…mainly because I kept links read folks stuff…then you all got RSS feeds. Now I read everything on Google Reader. Honestly, if you still want your link up here, let m know…I’ll put it back. I’m…
Pic Mem
I love not being a secretary any more. I love doing the web design thing. I volunteered to coordinate gaming at Worldcon…which is proving to be less of conundrum than a Denver convention…because it’s not the focus. This should be fun. My story is delayed a few weeks. I’ll put up the publication link when…