Tag: stupidity
Hey Zhang, You’re Pissing Me Off
So apparently my account at battle.net is suspended for 36 hours. I don’t have a fucking battle.net account. It’s Zhang the gold farmer again. I finally managed to get an email to the correct email address about this crap. Now I have a number to call on Monday. Oh yes, I will call it. Looks…
Is Rome Burning Yet?
DOW down almost 700 pts. S&P nearly 100. The bailout failed to pass the House. I am a happy girl. Let the flames begin.
Who the Hell is the “Media Bloggers Association”?
They’re nobody. That’s right. They don’t represent me or any other blogger I know. They are just trying to get in on the pie. I’m sure you’ve heard of the AP stupidity of charging for fair use. Screw that. Why pay them for the privilege of not criticizing them? Sounds like they are trying to…