Tag: Worldcon

  • Worldcon: Denvention 2008

    Gaming at Worldcon was a blast. Should I ever do this again, I’m requesting ribbons that say, “Gaming, the red-headed bastard step child of Worldcon”. The Montreal blurb on gaming makes me go into hysterical giggle. I’m sure I’m scared for life. Like I said, a blast. Friday I helped set up the TOR party…

  • Worldcon Day Two – Tired

    Besides me leaving the Fluxx stuff out…ack…it’s safe. Thank you hotel folks. All went well. Several folks lost their shoes and some one lost their pants. I left the pants under the table I found them..again…thanks hotel staff for getting that. Some games went off, some games did not…but we were very busy and even…

  • Worldcon Day One – Lost

    I was so busy I nearly walked my feet off. Let me tell you: Burt’s Bees Peppermint Foot Cream is instant relief. I got to the hotel and could not find Filk Storage. Because room I was told was Filk storage was storing Filks. I ended up at Real Ops as apposed to Other Ops…

  • Worldcon…Almost There

    A few more print outs and I’ll be there. I’m pretty much tied to gaming. I hope to get to the convention center at least one day and maybe a party…but I’m not holding my breath. 🙂 So come down to gaming to play games and say hi. We’re in the Sheraton.

  • Dr. Who and Worldcon: a Mutually Exclusive Post

    So Dr. Who ended this season with a full on fan masturbation. I loved it. J. hates it. He doesn’t like anything with romantic overtones. But he’s a bros, before ho’s type, I know this. He also hated Donna for being annoying. I loved her for being different. So it goes. I’m getting my junk…

  • I am not living under an ancient Chinese curse (Currently).

    Nope…it’s been pretty boring. This came to light due to some earlier posts making a reader cry…and I realized I haven’t had much of that lately. Life has been quiet and relatively free of that ancient Chinese curse: May you live in interesting times. Which is okay. I have several web projects going (yes, go…