There is no Quantum of Solace

Because the Bond movie was so unerring BAD, that it even beats out Roger Moore’s worst days as the jet setting spy player.

How bad was it? Think Episode 2…now very carefully insert a writer’s strike in there.

Yes, that bad.

They rewrote Casino Royale characters, they butchered the plot (plot should NEVER happen off screen), they didn’t do any research and EVERYONE was evil…making you hate everyone.

With some hope they can fix this. The writer of QS was the same writer as CR…but the directors and producers wouldn’t wait for the strike to be over. So what you get is a very large pile of dogshit. Only you can’t tell it’s dogshit because someone went in there and played with it until it looked like ravioli.

So that pretty much ruined our Friday.

Saturday was the day of J.’s sprouting full form into a crotchety old man. Or so he says. We had a great dinner at La Central. I spent the day nanoing…all very good. M.’s laptop is dying in a horrific way. Hopefully she’ll get that sorted out.

Sunday was more of the same….I realize I haven’t been updating my word count on the website…need to do that…I’m past 30,000 words.

Other than that I’m populating the Genghis website with all kinds of goodies (re: games) for February.

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Outline: Dreamfire
I used to be amused by Utopians. With life experience, I have grown to fear them. The great failing of Utopians is that they can never accept that someone else might not want to be a part of their utopian vision. Like ill-mannered tourists, they assume that if you don’t agree with them, it must be because they’re not explaining it simply enough, or often enough, or loudly enough, or ultimately, because you’re stupid. Utopians always think achieving Utopia is simply a matter of education—and then re-education—and then coercion, legislation, litigation medication conditioning threats book-burnings eugenics surgical modifications hunting down the counter-revolutionaries killing the reactionaries genetic engineering—and ultimately all Utopians, no matter how nobly they begin, always end up at the same conclusion: that the only thing that keeps Man from building a secular heaven here on Earth is the nature of Man, therefore we must build a New and Better Man.The Ranting Room



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