This weekend unlike most weekends…

I cam down with the flu this weekend…I still feel achy and flemmy but better.

Ironman was incredibly cool. The summer movie selection will have a lot to live up to right away. Really all comic books should be made this way. We were talking about it…it seems that Marvel is running out of old superheros to do movies for. They’re trying to fix hulk…but other than that? What new ones should they go with?

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Last night I stayed up late playing poker with Tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died.Steven Wright







2 responses to “This weekend unlike most weekends…”

  1. The Dragon Queen Avatar
    The Dragon Queen

    After we finished watching the credits and the setup I looked at Troy and yelled “THAT WAS WICKED!!!” We’d just watched The Incredibles the day before. OMG, I knew nothing about Ironman before this. I never read comic books outside of the Archies and Richie Rich, and those were at my friend Betsy’s house. And getting to look at a ripped Robert Downey Jr? Yeah, that wasn’t unpleasant 😉 *drool* Oh, and I thought the movie was good too!

  2. Michelle Avatar

    The comic books, from my understanding, are duller than shit. The ironman cartoon is pretty good though. 🙂

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