Write Thought

I sent out Mistaken again. This time to Arts & Letters. I should hear back in a month or two. There were only some slight changes that I felt were necessary. Writers are tinkerers. Each rejection is an opportunity to tinker just a little more.

Without Honor is now in the full on writing stage. I’ve finished the reworked the outline. I’m actually kind of tickled. I did some synopsis research and it looks like I’ve got a completed one all set up with my outline. It will need some tweaking when I’ve finished the manuscript, but still. The next time some one extoles the virtues of the non-outliner to me, I’ve got back up.

Now I’ve just got to reread the continous chapters I’ve got so far. I think I can do that.

I haven’t touched Sacred Space in a week. I hope I’ll have a draft done by the end of the year. I’m having trouble with it. It is a narrated story, but it seems to impersonal. I’m not sure it’s the story I want to write.

Tonight, christmas baking goodness. I need to ask J. what to bring for New Years. Probably alcohol.

Yeah, I should use my allocation this month.

Yule was quiet. Becca was supposed to come over to do website stuff but that won’t happen till next Thursday. Aia and I made soup. I got the candles going (I don’t have a fire place for a yule log). I need to clean off the altar now and feed the wights tonight.

The new tree has been great! The cats have been in it, (I tell them they are bad puss and they just look a me like I’m crazy) but it has stayed up. The dog is facinated by the lights and will sit next to it like a good Christmas pooch that she is blinking at the tree. I should take a picture of it, but black pugs kind of suck in the light and become indistingushable black blobs with my camera (and my previous camera) equipment.

I’m thinking of buying Aia one last present. I haven’t decided yet. I’ve got lots of wrapping to do. The BF is off to his family, and I need to be off to mine. Merry Christmas!!

Writer Progress:
Without Honor: Word Count 37861
Temptation: Submited–Chronicle (Rejections-1)
Mistaken: Submited–Arts & Letters (Rejections-1)
Between Kingdoms: Fermenting, after chop word count 10612.
Sacred Space-Word Count 494
Grandpa story–Fermenting
Lucy’s Story–Fermenting

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Outline: Dreamfire
Each place has its own advantages – heaven for the climate, and hell for the society.Mark Twain



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