
Writers are not considered part of the larger ecosystem. Creativity and art are afforded little value in today’s corporate culture. It’s a lie, of course — writers are everywhere. Our work is ever-present yet our role remains unconsidered. The written word is a powerful support structure, and it’s everywhere you look. Magazines, billboards, instruction manuals, marketing copy, and, oh, I dunno, the entire Internet. Nearly everything begins with the written word, and yet, despite this significant contribution, writers and other creatives exist as a marginalized group. Further, our support system is eroding.

Just so.

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52 Stories
Outline: Dreamfire
“We’re putting up with the federal government on so many fronts, and nearly every month they come out with another hare-brained scheme … to tell us that our life is going to be better if we just buckle under on some other kind of rule or regulation. And we usually just play along for a while. We ignore ’em for as long as we can. We try not to bring it to a head but if it comes to a head we found that it’s best to tell ’em to go to Hell and run the state you wanna run your state.

Unfortunately this time around they’ve really got a hare-brained scheme… almost all those hijackers on 9/11 would have qualified for a Real ID.”Gov. Brian Schweitzer of Montana 2008







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