Ya Think?

Ya Think?

If something is ready to go to print, that it may just be a little too late for changes.

And someone asked me today how my job was stressful.

(input the rolling eyes)

I really don’t care about this job anymore. I actually got introduced as “The Office Staff”. (That’s right, I’m the office staff, there is no one else).

Will I be leaving this place in a lurch if I leave? Who knows? I think I’m going to ask for a laptop to take home. I could work at home if I can 1) count the hours, and 2) Have a new wireless laptop. No old dells or toshibas that are holding up the desks in IT.

This is in addition to the work desktop.

On other notes I’ve been thinking about the essential things I would like to get done every day. These include:

500 words of wip
Tarot reading
kittly litter clean out
Right now only the last thing gets done every day. Sigh. 

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52 Stories
Outline: Dreamfire
We miss them, our friends. We miss people, of course. You know, our co-workers, like um… of course, uh, Glasses McLabCoat…and uh, the-the girl…who would kick… kick everyone…I miss her.Legion







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