Category: Fam Time
Rest in Peace
On Friday, May 11, my great-aunt, Margaret Armstrong, passed away. I’m not really sure how I feel about this. I barely knew her. My memories of her pretty much boil down to playing the fish in a toy fishing game we played during a family reunion. I think I was about 11. She was the…
Amethyst Diving
Last week I was in Lake Havasu visiting the family, and swimming and other combinations of those two. Mostly I came back tired and burnt, but hey, it was fun. The last day of swimming in the channel next to the London Bridge, I did some rock diving. One specific rock diving: Amethyst. I’ve found…
Off to Arizona
I’m leaving for Arizona tomorrow and I’m trying to get some blog posts done, and some articles finished. I’m almost packed.Internet will be spotty, and what I can through my phone…which is alot. So the only difference will be I won’t be available all day. So sun, water, and more sun. See you in a…
12,200 Feet to Say Farewell
Last weekend we said goodbye to Bob Stevenson. He was my uncle by marriage to my mother’s sister. Most of things about him I already knew. I grew in Breckenridge and he and my aunt Kim were the only extended family nearby. After the memorial we hiked up to Mohawk lakes. He lived near the…
Of Sun and Towers
My expectations for this week were to finish the major revisions on my novel, talk about that process, then start the (re)outline for the next novel. That’s still coming. Maybe next week. This turned into a different sort of beast. My nearly five year old nephew was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes this last Tuesday.…
My uncle Bob died last week. It’s difficult to think about. My aunt divorced him last year so technically he wasn’t my uncle anymore. But…my aunt was married to him for 33 years. I will always know the time because of the story behind their marriage in the first place. My aunt, with her new…
Going to Vegas
J: Once we hit town, since check in isn’t until 4, we can hit Costco for the stuff we’ll need that week. If I understand that map, at least of them is fairly close to the condo. Me: Your Costco worship is crazy mad. But sure. 🙂 J: Blasphemer. Me: Good thing Costco hasn’t got…
Had Fun on Vacation, Not So Much at Home
So Arizona was fun. I managed not to fall out of the raft or the boat but my brother did. We spent nearly every day in or near water as my family is wont to do. I’ll get some pictures up. J. hurt his back after we got home. It’s pretty bad but he says…
There is TMI in this Post Amoung the Weekend Updates
So no, the weekend did not start out well with my computer dying, again. I’m actually extremely upset now as I know it’s a hardware issue. At the end of the week I should have an update on that. Any bets on what I’ll get from Dell this time? Writing went well this weekend. Not…
Things We Did
The holiday weekend was full of weird things. First, of course, came Thanksgiving. This holiday went like most except Aia decided to have a full on melt down which resulted in a spanking and a long time out (which relatives trying “help” by giving her whatever she wanted didn’t). Basically she spilt water on her…
Proof I’m Raising an Uber Geek
Aia: Mommy, don’t you think that Konoji acts just like the Flash? Me: What…I guess so. Aia: He does…he even commercializes things. See the camera. Me: Oh, I thought you meant his speed. Aia: No mommy, no one is faster than the flash. You can’t compare that.
I am not living under an ancient Chinese curse (Currently).
Nope…it’s been pretty boring. This came to light due to some earlier posts making a reader cry…and I realized I haven’t had much of that lately. Life has been quiet and relatively free of that ancient Chinese curse: May you live in interesting times. Which is okay. I have several web projects going (yes, go…