Category: Shiney!
Traveling Further into the Pacific Northwest
I took a long weekend over Easter and went to stay in Vancouer, Wa. I drove up through Oregon. My trip good me through desert, wintery mountains, gorgeous woods, and the expansive sea. I wasn’t prepared for the size of the trees and their number. The flyover highways in Portland and how sudden you realize…
No Man’s Sky: Survival on a Toxic Planet
The first thing I met in No Man’s Sky was something akin to a Pug. I started on the toxic planet of Iroksta Vudbok. Since I got the preorder bonus ship, I started with that (no I don’t know how to build a hyperdrive, but I hear doing a few jumps and not buying a…
Posting has been not so often, I know. You’d think with a new work schedule of 6:45 to 3:15 would mean I have more time. Halloween was a pleasant surprise. My neighborhood has always some nice participants, well decorated houses and fun gimmicks. However, the houses participating  have been few, the streets sparse of children even though we live in a…
Costa Rica
I’ll be in Costa Rica for the next week with my sister. While I may have email access, probably not much else. And even email will be spotty. We’re going on a tour with GAdventures. I expect we’ll spend most of the week wet and muddy. That’s gonna be all kinds of fun. Oh and…
Thinking of a Tablet
I’m thinking of getting Aia a tablet for her birthday or Christmas. She wants something she can read books on and play games. I’ve thought about an iPad but in truth, I’d rather not go that route or have her dealing with iTunes. I’ve played with a few Android tablets. However, so far, the differences…
NPR’s List of Top Science Fiction and Fantasy Books
Hey, look a new book list! So which ones have read? I’m sure you’re (not) curious to know. Unlike most lists, this one has a lot of whole series on it. So pink means I’ve read them or are in the process of reading them. Green means I have them but haven’t got to them.…
It Sounds Like a Pickup Line
Hey, JesusPrayerRug, Twitter’s got some recommendations for you.
Catching up from the Two Job Fog
Getting in the swing of things after my first few months on the new job. Seems to take that long to get into the swing of things. Now I just need to get back to doing…what I’ve been not doing. Which is painting, knitting, and working on RPG stuff. Rpg stuff has to come first.…
Don’t Let Your Children Grow Up to Be Internet Stupid
Look, I know you don’t understand this whole internet or the whole gaming thing. You think it’s just a kid thing. Wake up. It’s the 21st century and you are raising your children to be illiterate. They will lose all their money, they will be locked out of accounts they paid for and worse of…
Jorge Rivera, Filled with So Much Win I Cannot Tell You
A few weeks ago I was running my Serenity game. This was the first day of the new reboot, and they all had new characters. Before we started, the I asked B., the new ship captain, if he had rules for his ship or any NPC requests for crew. He said, oh since we didn’t…
Need a funky key chain that turns into a camera tripod. I totally do. Seriously. I’ve been looking at getting at tripod and this is cute and functional! You can find them at Quirky!